Welcome to Female Reads

A Place Where the World is Female-Centric and Women’s Stories Take Center Stage

  • 6 Books About Extraordinary Women Who Changed the World

    6 Books About Extraordinary Women Who Changed the World

    History has not always been kind to women, often overlooking their significant contributions. It’s important to recognize and remember the efforts of those women whose impacts have endured through time. In this article, you’ll discover five books that celebrate both famous and forgotten—but always extraordinary—women who changed history. Original Sisters By Anita Kunz From the…

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  • 7 Books About the History of Women’s Rights Movement

    7 Books About the History of Women’s Rights Movement

    The history of women’s rights is full of inspiring stories and important events. This list of seven books gives a clear and easy-to-understand look at the women’s rights movement. Each book covers different parts of this history, from the fight for voting rights to the struggle for fair treatment at work. Whether you are interested…

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